Submit A Tip via Email

Submit a piece of problematic content to Junkipedia via email.

If you've already added your organization's tiplines to your smartphone, go to your contacts and find your organization’s tipline email address. You can also find your organization’s email address under “Manage Organization” on

You can either send an email via your phone or computer -- just be sure that you send in your tip from the same email address that is associated with your Junkipedia account to ensure that your submissions appear under “My Issues.”

In the subject line of the email, type out a very brief summary of your tip. This will become the “Title” of the issue when you log in to Junkipedia. In the body of the message, either copy and paste the URL or text that describes the problematic content, or attach a photo. It’s helpful if you remove your email signature, so the extra text and links don’t end up in your issue.

Click send. You can now view and edit your issue in Junkipedia.

Last updated