What To Include

What information should be included when editing an issue?

Below are a few tips to keep in mind when creating or editing an issue.

  1. Place yourself in the shoes of someone searching through Junkipedia issues and provide the kind of information that would help them find it when it fits what they are looking for.

  2. Provide clear context in the description field and briefly convey the gist of it in the title.

  3. Plainly state what is claimed or implied by the content. Describe what is wrong with it. Even potentially truthful statements can be problematic if they are made without evidence or presented out of context to support a false or misleading idea.

  4. If the problematic content is embedded in a video, it can be very helpful to point out at least one timestamp that clearly illustrates the problem.

  5. Make sure that logical search terms appear somewhere in the title, description, or text content of the post so that someone searching for an issue of this kind is likely to find it.

  6. If you know of relevant tags used by similar issues, add them to the tags field. Don't go overboard with tags. Avoid creating new tags unnecessarily. Model your use of tags on other well crafted issues that you've seen.

  7. Select problem flags that best represent problems with this issue. Don't add problem flags that are not clearly justified. In practice, very few issues would have all of these flags selected.

  8. Select a narrative if you are confident that it is relevant. A significant issue will eventually be attached to a narrative. Some issues are appropriately linked to 2 or more narratives but this is not common.

  9. When an issue is first added, its eventual level of engagement, threat, or other significance may not be immediately apparent. It is common to leave "Additional Data" to its default setting when the significance of the issue is uncertain. By the time multiple issues become linked in support of a singIe narrative their significance becomes more clear and it becomes important that their "Additional Data" fields accurately portray this significance.

Last updated